MS Access Application Migration Chart
If you have exceeded the built-in limitations of MS Access and are experiencing one or more problems —
slow performance, unreliable data, corruption and error messages are common indicators — it may be time to reconfigure
your MS Access application, or migrate the MS Access application to more powerful components to fix problems your are
having or to meet more demanding business needs. Depending upon your situation, the right approach may involve
replacing one or both MS Access application components: the back-end Jet Engine datastore and/or the front-end
User Interface.
The table below shows the different MS Access migration options available.
Capabilities in the chart increase from left to right — from a standalone
MS Access application designed to support a small workgroup on a LAN, to a robust Internet-native database
application capable of supporting hundreds of concurrent users. Click on the Platform
name or diagram to see a "Capability Scorecard" for each option.