Microsoft SQL Server + Smart Client = Internet Database

Have you developed a SQL Server database that you need to make available on the Internet?  Do you need to share and update information in real-time with employees, suppliers, distributors or customers over the Internet?  PCA specializes in custom Web database applications built on the Microsoft SQL Server database, and we have helped many businesses determine the best, most cost-efficient way to develop and deploy SQL Server data on the Internet.

Leverage Your SQL Server Investment

If you have already invested considerable time and effort developing a SQL Server database to manage your business data, adding a .NET Smart Client application will allow you to make this information available in real-time to any employee or business partner with an Internet connection.  Smart Client applications provide a secure, fast and reliable way to Internet-enable a SQL Server database.  Smart Client applications enable frequent, concurrent database updates i.e. based upon Admin-defined role-based security restrictions, End Users can read, modify data, add new records, access updated reports, etc., from any location.
Smart Client Desktop Application Experience

Microsoft Desktop Application Experience

Smart Client applications look and perform just like standard Microsoft Office Applications. They are less expensive to develop, and overcome many of the well-known functional and usability deficiencies of Browser-based applications.  Smart Client applications  provide a hi-fidelity end-user experience by taking full advantage of all that the Microsoft® Windows® platform and the Internet has to offer.
Smart Client Utilizes Local PC Resources

Utilizes Local PC Resources & Data

Smart Client applications are installed on the End Users' PC, which allows the application to fully utilize the hardware and software resources available to that PC i.e. the local CPU, graphics processor, memory (RAM) and disk storage, and therefore require substantially fewer Server resources.   A dual-CPU Server and Standard MS SQL Server 2008, SQL Server 2012 or SQL Server 2014 can easily support hundreds of concurrent End Users.  Smart Client applications can also connect to local devices e.g. VOIP, bar-code and RFID readers, scanners, etc., as well as software resources available to that PC, including exchanging data with MS Excel, MS Word and MS Outlook applications.
Smart Client 'Connected' to a Shared Database

Shared Database + Web Services

Smart Clients connect to a centralized SQL Server database to store the data and control the functionality and business logic that drive the application, with centralized application security. Smart Client applications are always part of a distributed, networked solution.  Smart Clients can connect directly with any data resources or web services available on the Internet e.g. Google Earth, D&B database (any data source that is IP-addressable).
Smart Client Centralized Security

Centralized Security in SQL Server

All PCA-designed Smart Client applications employ a role-based security model that provides Admin the ability to assign business roles and configure role-specific application- and data-level access privileges.  Application security privileges can be modified at any time, and all Users that are members of that Role will automatically inherit the new privileges.   Two-tier role-based security allows a SuperAdmin to enable Admin privileges, who in turn manage their own group's security privileges.
Smart Client Offline Capable

Off-line Capable Applications

One of the key benefits of Smart Client applications is they can be used off-line, when a connection to the Internet is unavailable. When re-connected, Smart Clients automatically synchronize all off-line changes with the central SQL Server database, completely transparent to the End User. Smart Client applications work exceptionally well, connected or not. For traveling and field-based professionals, being able to work while disconnected is not a "nice to have," it is essential.
Smart Client Intelligent Installation and Updates

Intelligent Installation & Seemless Updates

The Smart Client installation and maintenance (update) process is completely automated. No I/T support required. Like a webpage, everyone automatically gets the latest version of the application with the most current set of data.  The PCA Smart Client "Mobilizer" automates application installation and updates, so deploying an application to 10 users or 10,000 users is the same: simple and straightforward.  PCA's Smart Client approach eliminates the traditional headaches and expenses associated with maintaining distributed business applications.
PCA knows how to create robust, Smart Client applications that work directly with your MS SQL Server database that actually perform FASTER and are EASIER TO USE over the Internet, than most MS SQL Server applications running on a local area network (LAN)!