Custom SQL Reporting Services Solutions

PCA is expert with designing and developing custom SQL Server Reporting Services solutions — to deliver fast, secure, interactive reports connected to your SQL Server database.   SQL Reporting Services provide a simple and cost-effective way to select and format data from your SQL database, and deliver employee- and customer-facing reports anywhere an Internet connection is available.

Flexible Report Delivery — Application, Web browser, Email

Access to SQL Reports can be enabled through any interface with Internet access: within your application, automatically to users' email (via SMTP or MS Outlook Exchange Server) or generated on-demand through a simple web browser interface. Reporting controls e.g. date and field filters, etc. can be defined to enable interative reporting capabilities.
Reporting Services

Report Design — from simple to complex

Reports can range from simple, static ("canned") reports with tabular information, to complex cross-tabular reports with charts and graphics. Interactive charts with drill-down capabilities are also possible.
We frequently design "ad hoc" reporting interfaces that allow users to select from a number of fields and filters to generate a custom set of information. This approach is not only easier to use, but can substantially reduce the number of reports that you need (and the cost!).

Export to PDF, CSV, MS Excel and Word

The additional benefit of Microsoft SQL Reporting Services is one-click export of report data to common desktop file formats including Word, PDF, Excel and CSV — making it simple and easy for users to repurpose report data for individual needs.
The ability to export report data directly to an MS Excel spreadsheet provides users with the power and familiarity they need to format and analyze very specific business needs, which is oftentimes more effective than very expensive reporting solutions.
Contact PCA to learn more about SQL Reporting Services capabilities, and see real-world examples of SQL Server Reporting Services solutions that are relevant to your industry and application needs.
SSRS Capabilities
  • Accessible — anywhere an Internet connection is available, inside or outside your firewall

  • Secure — targeted to specific employee and/or customer roles/priviledges, with Admin-defined controlled access to specific data

  • Easy to Use — isolate report Users from the complexity of the underlying data sources, while providing the necessary personalization and interactivity

  • Flexible — ability to export reports/views to PDF, CSV, MS Excel

  • Fast — generate complex reports in seconds

  • Simple — professional, clean designs that support (not obscure) business needs