Request for Information (RFI)

Complete the form below to be contacted by a PCA consultant. You can expect a follow-up from a senior-level consultant within one business day.
(All fields are optional, but you must provide at least one method by which we may contact you.)

PCA will never share your information with anyone. Period. Please review our privacy policy.
Contact PCA now at:
(617) 527-4722 x122

or toll free: (877) 843-3405

Practical Computer Apps
230 Second Ave
Ste 202
Waltham, MA 02451

Some things to include (optional)
  • High-level project description
  • Business purpose of your project/application
  • Your current tools/application
  • Your preferred future approach or change(s)
  • The primary need(s)/problem(s) you are attempting to solve
  • The project is a... [new project, conversion, upgrade, rewrite, business issue, SQL issue, Smart Client, web database, .NET application, etc.]
  • Any technical and/or business issue(s) that may be impeding progress 
  • End Users (#, roles, locations)
  • The stakeholders in this project are... [internal, customers, accounting, I/T, etc.]
  • Any other information you feel would be helpful