Microsoft Smart Cloud Computing

PCA is delivering on the promise of Cloud Computing today — with intelligent provisioning of database server infrastructure and bandwidth resources, and flexible coupling of 3rd-party web services.  The result is a very stable, highly scalable and secure Smart Client Cloud environment that enables employees, partners and your customers to share and manage large amounts proprietary information, without the inflexibility and capital expenses common to many Intranet solutions.
Microsoft Smart Cloud Computing

The Smart Cloud: Web Applications + On-demand Server & Web Services Resources

Web Client Clouds combine the benefits of Rich Web Client Internet Applications that look and perform just like Microsoft Office/Desktop applications — but they are deployed, automatically maintained, and enable real-time SQL Server Database sharing directly over a secure Internet that is powered by on-demand server resources and web services data.   A true merger of the desktop and the Internet, Smart Client Clouds are viewed by many to represent the next major wave in computing platforms.

Key Smart Cloud Computing Advantages

PCA has already built-out the Smart Cloud Computing value chain — our business relationships and technical integrations with Amazon, web service providers, and 3rd-party Smart Client application controls enable rapid design and deployment of custom Smart Cloud solutions that offer Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solutions.  Advantages that PCA can bring to bear on your Internet database application needs include:
  • Agility — rapidly and inexpensively re-provision server and bandwidth infrastructure resources, as needed
  • Low Cost — capital expenditures (CapEx) converted to operational expenditures (OpEx) that is continually adjusted to reflect actual usage
  • Device and Location Independence — employees, partners and customers able to connect and share data with one another, anywhere Internet services is available
  • Scalability — "On-demand" dynamic provisioning of database server resources, with reliable access to loosely-coupled web services
Standard Web Client Capabilities
  • Intuitive "MS Outlook-Style" User Interface
  • Shared, secure MS SQL Server 2012 database
  • Integration with MS Outlook & MS Excel
  • Off-line use & database synchronization
  • Document and Image attachments
  • CRM Module: centralized contact management
  • Canned Reports (SQL Reporting Services)
  • Grid data controls (Dynamic data slice & dice)
  • Role-Based Security Administration
  • Configurable Menu values via Admin privilege
  • Integration with Accounting and ERP systems
  • Automated "Mobilizer" installation and updates
  • Full Audit Trail